Women's roles in Austrian/ German culture

Women’s roles in the Austrian German culture is progressive. I’ve learne that its not as progressive as the United States but is making strides. You will see through a source of pictures, a graph, a video, and interviews just how feminism impacts their way of living. 

Women’s roles and feminism isn’t a concrete subject. Their isn’t a right or wrong way to do it. This isn’t a black and white matter but rather a grey I would suppose. Every country and culture handles this topic a little differently. From my time living in Austria, German, and doing research I’ve concluded women are fully awear that they are not treated equal. From the work place to home life, if they are married, they dont have full range on decision making. Some people care and some people dont care about the traditional value.

Older generation women tend not to mind. They say things like, “I grew up this was and that’s how its always been.” They don’t question their rights. Women from the second feminist wave movement are the ones that gained more progressing. I would even say that third wave women pushing the envelope farther. These are the women that are more vocal. It helps that more women were and are apart of these movements. There is something to be said about ‘there’s power in numbers’. 

Interview I

Melena leitner, She is a young women just out of high school. I asked her some question about her family life and how she thinks women are treat. she said things like, “Some German companies have quotas to fill on how many women they have to have. They dont treat them fairly or pay them well because they just need them to fill spots.“ She also talked about her mother and how she use to work but once she had kids it was expected of her to leave her job an take care of the kids. 

Interview II

Random Lady on the train, I wasn’t able to catch her name but she was in her late 20s. Just graduated from law school. Very willing to chat, She told me about her grandmother and how she never worked. Kids were here number one priority. Making sure the house was kept in neat shape she said. Her mother who is in her 50s had and still does have a part time job. When her and her husband started having kids they decided whoever made the most money would continue with their caree. I asked her what she would do if she got married and had kids. She said she worked to hard to give up this great accomplishmen. She would hope that her and her husband could work something else out. 

Women's roles in Austrian/ German culture